Meaning of (रस निकालना) ras nikalana in english
As noun : tap
ream Ex:  This cream HAS turned cream Ex:  This cream HAS turned juice Ex:  Press out the juice, the juice an herb, fruit, etc
As verb : bleed
Suggested : the natural fluid, fluid content, or liquid part that can be extracted from a plant or one of its parts, especially of a fruit the fatty part of milk, which rises to the surface when the liquid is allowed to stand unless homogenized a standard quantity of paper, consisting of 20 quires or 500 sheets (formerly 480 sheets), or 516 sheets (printer's ream or perfect ream) to strike with a light but audible blow or blows hit with repeated, slight blows to lose blood from the vascular system, either internally into the body or externally through a natural orifice or break in the skin
Exampleरस निकालना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(रस निकालना) ras nikalana
can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :
rasa nikaalanaa